Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome: Speaking with Nathan Olsen

This is such a rare syndrome. The more that we vocalize about it, the more people become aware of it. We are always looking for ways to spread awareness.
Nathan Olsen, speaking about TTTS.
The Charity Boardgamer: Can you tell us about yourself and how you got into the gaming hobby?
Nate: Hey Chris, Thanks for taking the time to interview me. I am 34 year old Father of 4 kids (Cynthia, Ezekiel, Ezra and Elloise). I have been married to my wonderful wife for 9, going on 10 years. I currently manage a local gym that has recently just opened. I get the opportunity to personal train and teach classes to our local community.
I got into gaming through a couple of friends. We would do game night every couple weeks. We started with Catan, then I proceeded to purchase Lords Of Waterdeep. After that we moved back to my home state where gaming took a bit of a back seat. Summer of 2018 we took the plunge in the hobby.
Around March we started Sons Of Thunder Games as an outlet to take photos of various kinds. We take thematic, in game, and also sometimes do reviews. We love it. We love being able to interact with the community.

The Charity Boardgamer: What has been a go-to game you have been playing a lot lately?
Nate: There have been a couple of games. Gloomhaven- We have finally formed a solid enough group to meet once a week. The card management is so intense. We love it. Underwater Cities- This one has been one of the best games we have played this year. It’s simple in mechanics yet tough with decision making. Cannot recommend enough. Res Arcana- My favorite game from 2019. Such a tight engine building game.
The Charity Boardgamer: Any designer that you have great respect for or a publisher that you have enjoyed?
Nate: Stonemaier Games. They produce beautiful games, but also games that are super accessible to new gamers.

The Charity Boardgamer: Tell me about TTTS. What does it stand for?
Nate: “Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is the result of an intrauterine blood transfusion from one twin (donor) to another twin (recipient). TTTS only occurs in monozygotic (identical) twins with a monochorionic placenta. The donor twin is often smaller with a birth weight 20% less than the recipient’s birth weight”
TTTS affects 5-15 percent of identical twin pregnancies. So it’s a pretty rare complication to have/hear about.
The Charity Boardgamer: Why is this TTTS Team important to you?
Nate: TTTS team is important to me in many ways. In 2013 we found out we had Identical Twins. Around 16 weeks they were diagnosed with TTTS. The boys were in stage 3. We then went to the University of Michigan where they mapped the placenta and did laser ablation on the blood vessels connecting the boys. The recipient baby (Hezekiah) passed away from Heart Failure.
This is such a rare syndrome. The more that we vocalize about it, the more people become aware of it. We are always looking for ways to spread awareness.

The Charity Boardgamer: What is a way that we can help with the organization?
Nate: Well, I think supporting this organization will also help to support the parents who have been affected by this. It’s a pretty hard thing to deal with. The anniversary of Hezekiah passing is March 7th, so around this time of the year we always reflect on Ezekiel & Hezekiah. Because of TTTS Ezekiel has Sensory Processing Disorder. So it’s always going to be something that we deal with.
The Charity Boardgamer: Where can we go to find more information about TTTS?
Nate: Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) | UCSF Fetal Treatment Center